This Is Winning Organizational Culture!

As I have written before, I believe we cannot underestimate the value of an exemplary organizational culture. It means so much, and is the difference maker in a company consistently achieving outstanding long-term financial results.

I define this difference maker as having a winning culture, and by that I mean a company that enjoys:

  • Inspired, hard working people
  • Team members encouraging and helping one another
  • Sharing ideas
  • Loyalty to their senior leadership and company
  • Passion to do great work
  • When there’s a problem, people immediately offer solutions
  • Pride in their company and people

These are some indicators, and there are others, all similar. A winning organizational culture is an excited, high-energy team. The competition is outside the team, not within. They sense that, if the company does great, there is plenty of room to move up and succeed within the company, and things will work out favorably.

Just last week, I had the privilege to participate in the Billy Casper Golf’s annual company meeting. I was taken by their people and their spirit. This is winning organizational culture exemplified!

For non-golfers who may not know Billy Casper, he is one of the all-time great players. In his prime in the 1950s and 60s, he competed very favorably against Ben Hogan, and later, Arnold Palmer and their peers. Yet, as highly regarded as Billy is for his golf, he is even more revered for his character. Those who know him sincerely say he may be the finest person they have known.

The company was founded by Peter Hill and Bob Morris 21 years ago, and it remains a private company in spite of receiving numerous offers from potential purchasers.

We hear often that “our people are our greatest asset.” Well, this is a company where this is for real. Peter and Bob spend as much time as possible with their people, who view their work as their careers, not as jobs.

Everyone is a team member, not an employee, not staff.

One of the most important ingredients of their culture is humility. While they know they are good, witness being that they are the second largest manager of golf courses in the country, they have gotten there by focusing on delivering what their clients need and want, and gaining new clients through referrals, not by acquiring other companies, as their competitors often do.

This humility translates into: “We’re good, and let’s work as a team to become better, constantly striving to improve our capabilities.”

The people who are Billy Casper Golf genuinely like another, share ideas, and give one another helpful feedback. They work very hard, and feel fortunate to be with a company of talented, dedicated and good people, and they truly are friends and have fun together.

I have the feeling that everyone is trying to be their best self and is trying to help his or her colleagues become their best selves, as well.

They realize and emphasize the importance of

  • Relationships
  • Conversations
  • Listening to learn
  • Asking for ideas

They also emphasize the importance of knowing their people’s personal business goals and coaching to help them succeed.

With my keen interest in leadership, teamwork and organizational culture, it was very special for me to be with a company that is doing all the right things.

It seems that everyone in the company recognizes that they are important members of the team.

This is a winning organizational culture!

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