The Secret to Thriving in Life: Being Focused

by Al Ritter

The secret to surviving a buffet is to eat fewer things.*

The secret to thriving in your life is the same: do fewer things. Thus, you must make hard decisions about what you choose to do and what you choose not to do.

Recommendation: Focus on five things, maybe four, maybe six. I focus on six things: three work-related, three personal. Everything I do (almost) must fit in one of those areas. If it doesn’t, I politely decline. My six areas of focus include:


  1. Do great work with current clients
  2. Gain future clients
  3. Write and speak about my work


  1. Be sensitive and kind to family, friends and all people
  2. Have fun and take care of myself
  3. Serve Ashley and all disabled people

What four to six things do you want to focus on over the next year? (Not goals, but areas of focus—where you want to spend your time and energy?)

You will likely have to make tough decisions about what doesn’t fit on your plate. For example, within the last three years, I chose to step down from two boards of social services organizations.

When you decide on your four to six areas that will make the most difference in your life, commit to spending 95 percent of your time there. The other five percent is yours to play with.

*These thoughts based on Peter Bregman’s book 18 Minutes, as well as my observations of successful leaders and my personal experience.

Al Ritter, Founder and Principal, Ritter Consulting Group, Author of The 100/0 Principle

Al RitterWhen I read the book The 100/0 Principle, I did not know the author, Al Ritter, but wanted to, as I admired his wisdom and insightful messages. As a matter of fact, I have encouraged my clients and many friends to read Al’s worthy, quick read. Since that time, Al and I have become good friends and share ideas regularly, and I am better for it.

Al is the founder and principal of Ritter Consulting Group, and is a highly accomplished leadership and management consultant. He is a person who abounds with humility, sound values and spirituality.

When Al shared his the secret to thriving in life is focus, I asked if I may pass it along to my clients and other readers.