The Power of a Team

We could write volumes about what a difference teamwork makes. In this paper, we’ll outline some of the basic principles that can maximize success in an organization.
The Webster’s Dictionary definition of teamwork is “joint action by a group, in which each person subordinates her or his individual interests and opinions to the unity and efficiency of the group.”
This is certainly accurate, though, in our opinion, it does not do justice to the impact that a true team and effective teamwork can achieve.
Mia Hamm, one of the greatest athletes and competitors we’ve ever seen, said “I am a member of a team, and I rely on the team, I defer to it and sacrifice for it, because the team, not the individual, is the ultimate champion!”
The same is true in business. I have been privileged to be part of teams that worked unselfishly, where our competition was outside the firm, we wanted to do great work, supported and encouraged one another, and had pride in our work and our team.
To maximize success, exemplary teamwork must be a foundation of our organizational culture, that is, we need to have an organizational culture that will maximize the long-term success of our business.
Collaboration, everyone feeling an important member of the team we are all proud of, leads to the power of a team. The very likely results of the power of a team are in increased creativity, positive and high energy, improved productivity, and greater financial results.
Exemplary teamwork means being respectful of one another, providing timely and helpful feedback, allowing healthy conflict, and listening to one another with an intent to understand.
I love Margaret Meade’s quote “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” This is true in our business as well. Have an excited, inspired team and we’ll achieve great results, especially a team that strives for continuous improvement.
What is needed to create true teamwork and unleash the power of a team?
- Leadership that motivates and inspires team members, helping them feel supported and valued
- A clear vision for the team
- Team members who are encouraged to share ideas, their feelings, and to offer and be receptive to helpful feedback from one another
- An understanding and acceptance of each person’s roles and responsibilities
- Encouragement of ideas and opinions, with everyone listening with intent to understand, without judging the person, and understanding it’s okay to disagree
- People not seeking personal credit and glory. This takes inner security
- Once a decision is made, everyone supporting it with positive energy
- A team leader who leads by example with her encouragement of others, asking questions, purposefully listening and providing positive energy
Four essential qualities of the team and team members are:
- Trust
- Acceptance of accountability
- Support of one another
- Pride in the collective work of the team
If we can harness the power of our team, we can expect great results in 2012!
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