Light Up Their Eyes!

I will borrow from Rosamund and Ben Zander, coach and conductor extraordinaire, respectively. They have a theory I love. They preach the art of possibility.

In today's world, a leader wants to enroll people by speaking about possibilities, a new way of being. The leader does this through relationships with her/his people, through conversations, by giving them a possibility to live into. She lights up their eyes.

It is absolutely necessary to create a company culture of positive thinking and a non-competitive spirit of working together, as well as one with plenty of support, encouragement and positive reinforcement. It can be done, I promise. I had the privilege of working in two organizations with such a spirit that I couldn't wait to get to the office every morning, to be there with my co-workers, my friends, and for all of us to do our very best for our clients and for one another. In all honesty, it was fun.

Everyone wants to make a difference, to do well, to succeed. A leader's role is to help them be their best selves. Some may have an inner voice telling them that they are not that good, that they cannot live up to high standards, that they should play it safe. Today’s great leaders shine directly in the face of this type of thinking; they radiate possibilities to their people and eliminate others’ inner barriers to what they can do and be.

Yes, they can be great, live and work into the person they want to be, a person who does make a big difference, who makes good things happen, who is a success and has a new way of being.

The leader must radiate enthusiasm and encouragement in all ways, from her walk to the way she greets people, through her conversations and her written communications, and in all her actions. It can do done with great enthusiasm or with quiet confidence. If you feel it, trust and believe in the capabilities of your people, you'll show it, and they'll sense it.

This spirit of living into possibilities must cascade throughout your team or your company. You'll help change people's lives.

The leader helps make people powerful. As Ben Zander says, the conductor does not make a sound. He depends on the performance, the actions of his musicians.

And that is what a great leader does, brings out the best selves of her people.

She lights up their eyes!

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