Keep the Human Touch a Priority

During these exceptionally difficult times, it is the highly effective leaders who are paying attention to the human element of our teams and organizational culture. They are picking up the phone and speaking directly with their team members, team members of all levels of their company, and they are writing personal handwritten notes. These conversations and notes need not be long, just an expression of gratitude and asking how things are going for them, their families and loved ones.

Showing we genuinely care is vitally important, certainly now – and really it always is. Our genuine care is a difference maker.

This human touch would be great for not only our current team members, also for those we may have had to let go or furloughed during this pandemic. We want everyone who works with us and those who were up until recently, to feel that they are appreciated and valued. We want to give them dignity. This is what a leader does.

I feel I must mention a leader whom I have admired for some time, and again now during this pandemic.  Angela Zeng, PhD, MBA is the founder and CEO of My Karuna health beverages. She is a “roll up your sleeves” and “hands on” leader who is caring and kind. Angela fosters an organizational culture of commitment to her team members and customers.

Angela knows my wife, Kerry, is a composer of music for reflection and prayer and would like Kerry’s music for a few of her team members who are spiritual, as she is. We loved receiving Angela’s request last night.

By the way, Karuna drinks are vegetable based, healthy and delicious. They can be purchased at Whole Foods and Amazon.

In this time of exceptional stress, which is likely to continue for a good long time, with vastly reduced budgets, extreme expense control and work being virtual, I emphasize the importance of being even more empathetic than ever, personally, not just through our regional managers and human resource team members. We, as leaders, must let everyone know our gratitude for them.

Managers focus on numbers; leaders focus first on their people. Now more than ever, our empathy and personal touches are needed.

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