February 26, 2013 0 Leadership & Innovating: More Purple Cow Leaders Please! by Christine Middleton Recently when flipping through Seth Godin’s 2003 book, “Purple Cow.” I started [...]
February 19, 2013 0 Conversations Are the Work of a Leader I have been writing about feedback and feedforward, stay interviews and related topics – essentially our [...]
February 11, 2013 0 Exceptional Leadership by Women I had the good fortune this week to attend the Women in Philanthropy and Leadership (WiPL) Annual Conference [...]
February 6, 2013 0 Empathy Helps Us Be Effective Leaders I am continue to receive appreciative emails about our discussion this past month about purposeful [...]
January 28, 2013 0 Helping Our People (and Asking for Their Help) For the past three weeks, I have written about the “stay” interview and, really, the importance of having [...]
January 22, 2013 0 Using Silence to Gain Deeper Information: More about the “Stay” Interview and Communicating with Our People I sure have a hit a positive cord with my post on January 7th about a “stay” interview, i.e., having [...]
January 14, 2013 0 Letting Our People Know They Are Valued Last week, I wrote about a “stay” interview, which involves proactively asking our good people what they [...]
January 7, 2013 2 A Tool to Prioritize Top Performers: the “Stay” Interview Recently, I was researching exit interviews on the Internet and came across a term that I had never heard: a [...]
December 31, 2012 0 Meaningful Holiday Gifts Whatever our religious persuasions and, more importantly, our spirituality, this is the season of giving to [...]
December 17, 2012 0 Help People Succeed Recently, I have been writing about what people want from their bosses based on what I have learned from [...]