How to Develop the Company Culture/Esprit d’Corps You Want
There is an enormous difference between those few companies that have a collaborative, supportive, high-energy, high-spirited, and loyal culture and those that do not. Unfortunately, the latter category contains the vast majority of companies where people often do not love their work and may not respect their bosses and high-level executives as much as the senior staff would like.
How do we build a winning culture? It begins with the CEO and/or other high-level executive stepping up to set the tone.
Is it easy? No.
Is it near impossible? Not at all!
Good people, good leaders who truly value and genuinely care about their external and internal clients (their colleagues), can create a wonderful, exciting and sustainable culture.
It’s all about attitude! Start with communication. And I don’t mean emails and newsletters. I mean conversations—conversations that cascade throughout the company or organization that explain what we want and need from everyone. For example, we want to communicate that we need each person to:
- Take initiative; contribute ideas
- Don’t just identify problems, offer solutions as well
- Fix something if they see it isn’t right
- Know that client satisfaction is crucial, asking each client what success looks like to her and him
- Treat colleagues as internal clients, helping them succeed
- Be a source of positive energy and encouragement
- Do no seek personal credit and attention
- Become and MVP for all we contribute
- Know that the best way to get ahead is to impress and be promoted by colleagues
- Think of team goals as shared promises and convince others to feel the same
- Become a presence in our communities
- Give sincere, honest, constructive, helpful and timely feedback
- If we have a problem with our boss, sit down, address it, and make it win-win
- Strive for continuous improvement with an attitude of yes, I can be even better, we all can
- Be a great teammate
- Be early, always
- Have pride it our work and do it well, always
- Carry ourselves with quiet confidence
If senior executives are inspirational and sincere with their example, caring about and trusting our people, asking purposeful questions and listening intentionally to what our people think and feel, we will be on the road to earning the admiration we want and the culture that sustains long term success.
It is important to let people know that in companies that succeed over time, there is room for everyone to grow and succeed. We should create a learning environment – constantly training, mentoring and coaching – so our people realize that we want to help them get ahead.
I worked for two organizations with exciting, collaborative, and loyal cultures. Believe me, it can be done and it is well worth pursuing. People will be positive, enjoy their work and organization, and it will show in their performance.
I invite anyone who would like to communicate more about the subject of company cultures to email or call me. I'll be happy to share more about my experiences.
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