When Leadership Improves, Everyone Wins!

I have completed a book, When Leadership Improves, Everyone Wins. It is a discussion of the principles of highly effective leadership.
Whatever our business, we are in a people business and relationships matter greatly. It’s our people, the people doing the work of our companies, who satisfy our clients and produce our results.
As leaders, our focus must be our people – their development, growth, wellbeing, and their success.
Unfortunately, in today’s business world, we are way too busy. It seems everyone is. There is so much information coming at us continuously, and many leaders simply are not out of their offices, alongside their people, in conversations with their people, asking how they are doing, and for their ideas, and letting them know they are appreciated and valued.
Leadership is so important, never more so than today, with the unending push to do more and more, so many people having more work than they can do in a workday, and the mounting levels of stress our people are feeling.
Highly effective leadership saves everyone time, reduces stress, and improves our organizational culture, and ultimately the spirit of our people. What is more important? Happy employees do better work!
A theme of When Leadership Improves Everyone Wins is that good leaders have the humility to want to become even better.
I pray that you find the book helpful. Lord only knows how important leadership is to our businesses, government, nonprofits, churches, communities, and country.
Please consider pre-ordering the book now on Amazon. The publishing date is April 16th. I have been encouraged to ask people to pre-order ahead of then and once received and read, if you would soon thereafter write a review on Amazon. Apparently, a quick start to a book means a great deal to its ultimate success.
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