August 20, 2019 0 Leadership and Inspiration from the Global Leadership Summit We recently attended the annual Global Leadership Summit, a very special event, packed with leadership wisdom [...]
July 29, 2019 1 As a Leader, Conversations are our Responsibility Whatever our field, we are in the people business, and high-quality relationships matter greatly, e.g., [...]
July 24, 2019 1 These Three Questions Help Our Effectiveness We recently read the book, 3 Vital Questions: Transforming Workplace Drama, by David Emerald, who also [...]
May 20, 2019 0 One-On-One Conversations Are a Prime Responsibility of a Leader Our recent articles were about the importance of timely responses to everyone with whom we work. This message [...]
May 14, 2019 0 Our Timely Responses Reflect Our Respect We wrote a short article last week about our responsibility to be responsive to our people – timely [...]
May 7, 2019 0 Our Prompt Response Shows our Respect I recently read an insightful article about the difference our responsiveness makes, that is prompt responses [...]
April 26, 2019 0 Let’s Make Talent Development Our Priority Many companies are appreciating the importance of talent development and now have the position of Director of [...]
March 13, 2019 2 The Importance of Effective Meetings Meetings are vitally important – if done well. Meetings help people feel included, trusted, and that they [...]
February 12, 2019 1 Leadership: Our Own and Our Team’s In a study of the workforce conducted awhile back, 75% of employees listed their immediate manager as the [...]
December 31, 2018 0 2019: Improve our Responsiveness to Our People Recently, I read an article about the key communication qualities of an effective leader. The article spoke [...]