Slow Down, We’re Too Busy

“Slow down, you move too fast,” is the opening line of the 59th Bridge Street Song, a wonderful Simon & Garfunkel song from 1966, often recognized as “Feelin’ Groovy”.
If I were a composer rather than a leadership and life coach, I’d try to write a new song, “Slow down, we’re too busy”. Today, “slow down” is a key message that most of us in business need to consider. The fact is, we are all too busy. Way too busy. And it is hurting us, individually, in our leadership, and in our businesses.
CEOs and senior executives spend endless amounts of time in meetings, on conference calls, in their offices in front of computers and smart phones, hours and hours just about every day. Yet, most of their companies’ essential daily work is done by the others in their companies. Senior managers should be out of their offices, off the executive floors, side by side with their people, or on the phone if they are remote, having conversations with them.
Senior leaders need to ask for ideas and feedback:
- How can we improve?
- What help do you need?
- What advice do you have for top management?
- and similar purposeful open-ended questions…..
We need to let our people know that their work and ideas are important and valued, and that they are appreciated.
What’s getting in the way? The Internet is supposed to make us more productive; arguably it’s made us less productive. Our workforces are not happy, and morale is low in a great many companies – in fact, I’ve read it may be in the 75% range – and financial results are inconsistent.
The endless flow of emails is a huge problem. There is no easy answer, no magic solution, no off the shelf product guaranteed to work. I have taken the Getting Things Done workshop by David Allen and gained good ideas, but was forewarned that it can take two years to truly implement the system. There are other good productivity programs available, lots of them. Yet, I only know two people who actually get their emails down to zero on a regular basis. The rest of us struggle, and that weighs on our mind. We are not in control, and that is a major source of stress.
David Allen’s premise is that our productivity is directly proportional to our ability to be relaxed. So, one message I offer is to please try to find an approach that works for you to gain control of your time. Start with emails and meetings. Set a time limit for these.
No one wants to go to every meeting. Sure, information has to be shared. No question. Why not ask the people of our companies how to have fewer meetings? They will have ideas, and will appreciate being asked. Remember, bottom-up ideas are the best ideas, and top-down directives are not as effective as bottom-up initiatives.
Have shorter meetings! Seriously. Meetings tend to be scheduled for an hour. Try 20, 30 or 40 minutes. Share information in advance when possible, then ideas will be discussed and decisions made, and brevity will demonstrate respect for everyone’s time. Sure, there may be crucial meetings where this may not work, though in general it will.
We want to conserve our time, to invest it wisely! To do this, we must identify our priorities. As a senior executive, or an up and comer, our leadership has to be a very top priority. The most effective leaders are servant leaders who work with our team members. The operative word is with. This means:
- Connecting with our team members.
- Supporting them.
- Asking for their ideas.
- Listening to understand and learn.
- Helping them learn, grow and succeed.
- Inspiring them.
- Caring about them and their well-being.
We can improve morale and the spirit of our people if we slow down, come around from our computers and out of our offices, walk the halls, call our team members who are not in the office, and speak with those doing the work of our companies.
Conversations are the work of a leader, insight from Susan Scott, author of Fierce Conversations.
Also, by slowing down, we’ll find time for ourselves, to reflect, to discern our priorities and how the external and internal conversations we should be having, conversations that could make a difference.
Rich Katz, founder and CEO of Katz Strategy, LLC, a successful marketing, public relations and strategy consulting firm specializing in golf, lifestyle and sport has a principle, tries to invest a third of his time in each:
- External conversations, e.g., with clients, industry leaders, others
- Internal conversations with the people with whom he works and with whom he partners
- Quiet time to reflect what is going well, what could be improved, how he could be even more effective, priorities going forward
Good example, Rich.
Let’s all slow down! Let’s be more purposeful about having time to think and having meaningful conversations that will inspire our people, improve our cultures and boost our bottom lines. This is highly effective leadership!
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