Messages from a Successful Woman Business Owner

Dr. Kristen McClure owns Ricks McClure Chiropractic in Charlevoix, a beautiful town in Northern Michigan. Dr. Kristen focuses on one of the most powerful areas of the spine, the upper cervical spine–the upper neck. This area of the body is unique, as it is one of the most movable and dynamic joints of the body. Misalignments in this area of the spine can cause changes in body balance and function.
As background, her dad, Jeffrey Ricks, was a highly regarded chiropractor in Charlevoix, and Dr. Kristen began in business in the interior design field, and knowing her, I am sure she was superb at it. However, she became more and more convinced that her dad’s chiropractic practice was making a very positive difference in the lives of a great many in the community, and by nature she is a caring person and eager to help others with their well-being. So, she followed her heart and off she went to chiropractic school to study and earn her degree. In time, she took over her dad’s practice.
Dr. Kristen has the benefit of having a good sense of her capabilities, thanks to her parents, who guided each of their children to pursue their dreams with appropriate preparation.
As a wife, mother of three young children, and having her own and very successful medical practice, work/life balance is a huge challenge for Dr. Kristen. She, like other business owners, men and women, lead very full and intentional days. She drops her children off at school, sees patients and studies their X-rays and files and is not home till 7:30, then dinner and family time with the children and her husband, and being the perfectionist that she is, then comes her continuous learning, studying patients files and the latest developments in her field. Fortunately, as an early morning runner, she listens to relevant podcasts on ear phones during her runs.
I asked Dr. Kristen what she believes has enabled her success. After thought, she shared:
She knows as a child of God, she can do anything
While she would like more time to read the bible and to journal, she does pray throughout the day, often for and sometimes even with her patients
She has received great inspiration from Nick Vojicic, who was born without arms and legs and has a wonderful life, e.g., he is a husband, a dad, offers motivation to a great many, is an author, golfer, and a swimmer. Dr. Kristen believes that if he can do it, there isn’t anything I cannot do.
She is managing her schedule by setting boundaries, with the great help of Leslie, her assistant
She recently engaged a business coach to help her develop systems as well as help her evaluate her values and areas of fulfillment in her life. Dr. Kristen is a people person, cares deeply about others, wishes she had more time beyond her family and medical practice for friends, and that is an intention of hers to address
She is disciplined, e.g., never skips a meal, eats nutritional food, exercises regularly, drinks lots of water
Dr. Kristen does admit that getting adequate sleep is an ongoing challenge, yet to be mastered.
The principal message that Dr. Kristen would share with other women (and men!) is that we are children of God and that we can do anything. Follow our dreams. When we set our minds to it and have the discipline to do the right things, not to compromise our standards, they will likely come true.
I respect that Dr. Kristen sets high standards and expectations for herself and is disciplined in her family life and her practice, and she has exceptional self-awareness. And thankfully, she seems to always be smiling and joyful.
Thank you, Dr. Kristen, for being a role-model. Yours is a life well inspired and well led.
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