Listening With Care = Leadership

A friend was recruited to be CEO of a very successful organization which had struggled for the first time in its long existence. When he retired sometime later, I knew the organization had resumed its envious success and that the team had been truly energized by his leadership. He had not told me about his success, others had.
I knew that at his retirement his coworkers had each written personal notes and that he was very touched by their warmth and gratitude. Being so eager to learn as much as I could about leadership, I asked if he would allow me to read those personal notes. He did and I will cite just a few examples of which there were many more with exactly the same sentiments.
* "You listened to everyone's suggestions, ideas and goals. You made us into a real team."
* "Your faith in us lifted the spirits of everyone here."
* "Your calm leadership and belief in each person's importance and potential empowered us all."
* "You gave each one of us increased dignity by listening and by caring."
* "You lifted and inspired us, demonstrated what it means to have grace in leadership."
I was thankful for the opportunity to read these notes and then reflect on my friend's leadership style, so effective!
When I discussed my admiration with my friend, and had to force him to have the conversation, as he is quite humble, he did want me to know me that he spent every bit as much time, if not more, listening to their clients.
Quality time was critically important and he believed that quality was listening to clients and coworkers.
If leadership is about inspiring people to do great work and succeed, and it is, then my friend taking the time to listen, to listen with care, sure energized his organization.
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