How Helpful and Valuable Golf Can Be for Women

Over the years I have read articles about how valuable golf can be for women in business and yes, I agree, a women who can shoot in the 90s, 80s and maybe even 70s, is impressive and her score will serve her well by impressing her playing partners.
My wife, Leland, was the head women’s coach at Georgetown and I would often think what an advantage her young women golfers would have in their careers. They are smart, fun to be with, and are superb golfers. They will enjoy these benefits not only in their careers, also throughout their lives.
There is an interesting and important point I want to make though: it’s really not how well you can play; it’s how fast you play.
If a woman wants to play business golf, she can get lessons, practice, learn the rules and etiquette, go out with clients, business associates, men and women, and have a great time. If she feels as if she is holding people up, say hits three grounders in a row, she can say she doesn’t want to hold people up and simply pick up her ball and play again from the next tee. People will respect her for that. Of course, a man can do that as well.
My point is that despite your skill level, spending four or five hours with someone walking a course or riding together in a cart is a treasure. You get to know people pretty well, usually in a relaxed, comfortable and fun manner, with time to talk business, family, world affairs, kid one another, laugh, and develop a nice relationship that may be remembered for years.
I know many women are hesitant, as they just don’t think they play golf well enough. I say baloney. Just take some time to learn the game and go do it. Like most things we fear, it’s not nearly as bad or as difficult as we anticipate. With golf, it will likely be just the opposite, a great time. Furthermore, spending an extended period of time with people who are or can be helpful to your business is a special opportunity.
Is golf essential, critically important? Certainly not! Can it be an asset, helpful? Yes, it definitely can!
Like anything, the harder we work, the luckier we get. So, if this gives you any interest, incentive or inspiration to learn to play business golf, know that you can do it! There are lots of resources available to you, and my wife and I would be happy to offer suggestions.
For example, there are numerous books. One I highly recommend is Golf Annika’s Way, available from Amazon. It is thorough, easy to follow, and will be an excellent guide for you. Going to a three day golf school would be an awesome start. In fact, Annika Sorenstrom’s Golf Academy in Florida is terrific as are the schools in Sea Island, GA taught by Gail Peterson. Gail is also amazing. And there are plenty of other schools that may be closer to your home and less expensive, which would also be good for you.
BTW, good idea to start your daughters young.
My call to action: Think about whether you would like to be playing business golf. If so, make a plan to help you follow through and I believe you will experience great benefits.
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