Goals: The Value Of Performance Goals

I’m sure we all believe in goals, ideally goals that can be achieved with dedication and commitment.
Often, one may set a goal which really is an end result, maybe a promotion to a specific job. Yet one can do everything right to earn that promotion, to deserve that job, and still not get it. Maybe someone is brought in from the outside, or politics plays a part and another colleague is chosen, or some other unforeseen reason beyond one’s control prevents it from happening.
Is it not better to have a performance goal? In this example, to have a picture in your mind of the person who will earn that job, how that person contributes to the company’s success, supports her (I also mean his) co-workers, helps others succeed, delivers what she says she will and on time, communicates up, is a presence in the community, and maybe other qualities.
If you focus on that, achieveing your goal is in your total control. You’ll likely get the promotion, as your clients will notice, as will your boss(es) notice, and also your co-workers. Know what? If for some reason you do not get that specific job, something good will happen to you, within the company or maybe another good company will be coming after you.
My invitation to each of us is to take the time now to think about what we want to accomplish and or who is the person we aspire to be by December 31st, and then to set performance goals which will enable us to earn these goals, as we will deserve them.
Remember – how we think – affects our feelings – which leads to our actions – which will lead to our success.
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