Energy Drains

Our society is a bit obsessed with the idea of getting more energy. We lead hectic, fast-paced lives, and we often turn to energy quick-fixes to float these lifestyles. Coffee. Soda. Energy drinks. Prescription stimulants. Supplements. Sugar.
The problem isn’t just that overuse and abuse of these substances can hurt our bodies, or even in some cases lead to life-threatening emergencies. The bigger challenge is that we are trying to fill our ‘energy buckets’ without addressing the fact that the buckets themselves are leaking like crazy. It’s a little insane.
What if we were to take some time to examine the energy drains in our lives?
- Are we getting the hours of sleep we need, and practicing healthy habits that facilitate better quality sleep?
- Are we putting foods into our body that sustain and truly nourish us for the long haul, rather than giving us a quick hit?
- Are the hours we are keeping at work reasonable? Sustainable? Are we even doing work that we believe in, or excites us?
- How are we constantly pushing, moving, doing…always striving to be somebody?When was the last time we slowed down and just allowed ourselves to simply be?
- Are there relationships in our lives that are bringing us down? Are we holding onto unresolved anger? Withholding forgiveness?
- Are we moving our bodies in ways that are life-giving to our souls, as well as our bodies? Is it possible that we might be punishing our bodies with extreme fitness and not enough rest?
- Are we treating ourselves kindly, or are we self-attacking? Beating and wearing ourselves down with our very own thoughts and self-talk?
Many of these issues lack quick, easy answers. Often, we can even be legitimately ‘stuck’ in situations that we know we don’t like but certain circumstances might dictate.
Still, what if we were to consider the power we do have, even in those stuck places? Maybe it is a mindset shift, or learning to set some new boundaries. How can we honor ourselves as worthy of self-care, and advocate for what we need?
What are some of the biggest energy drains in your life? What power can you own to make a change? What steps can you start taking to plug up a few leaks in your bucket, even today?
About Kelly Arensen
Kelly holds coaching certifications through the Institute for the Psychology of Eating and the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. Prior to becoming a health coach, Kelly worked in the field of international public health, providing nutritional intervention for young children and mothers in developing and war-torn countries, including Cambodia and North Sudan. She holds a Master of Public Health degree from Boston University. Learn more about about Kelly’s living well coaching services.
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