A Determined, Successful Leader

Here’s a short story about Dr. Emily Splichal, owner of a new company, Naboso Technology.
Dr. Emily was an athlete, fitness instructor and personal trainer. She was very much a student of the movement of our body and came to realize that our feet do not receive the understanding and attention that they should. Our feet are very key to movement, fitness, and balance. This in mind, she formed an educational company to inform people, including medical professionals and orthotic companies, of the critical importance of our feet and that they need a great deal more attention, rather than being almost taken for granted. She traveled to 35 countries to educate a great many.
Dr. Emily is a dedicated learner, and she entered medical school, specifically for her degree in podiatry, and engaged in research and development of ideas she believed would stimulate improved performance, beginning with our feet themselves and the sensory connections of our feet with our brain.
Dr. Emily formed Naboso Technology and has now developed insoles and mats to scientifically stimulate the foot-to-brain connection and improve balance and movement efficiency.
Major problems for Dr. Emily are that traditional mindset centers on arch support alone and not the sensory nerves of our feet. She needed research and development to prove the validity of what she has learned and developed. She is well on her way, as she has arranged financing for the R&D in the medical field.
Dr. Emily is curious and determined by nature, and her driving force is educating others to understand what she has learned in her studies and research. There certainly is a ways to go, as there is a focus on fashion in the shoe industry. She knows her branding and marketing must be impressive to potential users, including doctors and other medical professionals, physical therapists, trainers, athletes, coaches, and everyday users.
Think that is special, and it is, and how about the research now underway about the benefits Dr. Emily’s learning and the products she has developed may well have on autism, Parkinson’s disease, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, potentially even strokes, and other diseases.
When I first called Naboso Technology I had a very patient, informative conversation with the person who answered about their neurosensory insoles and mats. I had not caught the person’s name when she answered and at the end, I asked. It was Dr. Emily. That spoke volumes to me. She is a hands on, roll up your sleeves leader.
I asked if she has advice to pass along to women and men who wish to pursue their dreams and passions. She says we just have to put ourselves out there, take action, take the first step, then the next step, and believe in ourselves.
So true. I used to be a long-distance runner and believed strongly that the hardest step was the first step, the one out the door.
Thanks to Dr. Emily’s dedication to learning, research and development, educating the medical, fitness and athletic communities, and wanting to help improve the lives of a great many – her being a role model – I definitely believe she and Naboso Technology will succeed.
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